About the service:
The legal protection of a trademark does not apply to the territory of the country in which the trademark was registered. Accordingly, the same trademark may be registered in the territory of another country for a completely different Applicant.
If you want to protect your mark in the countries where you plan to import your products and develop your business, we recommend registering your mark under the international registration procedure.
As of 2018, the Madrid System has 117 countries. In any number of these countries, you can register your trademark with just one application. Naturally, the registration amount will include the fees for the procedure in each country. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides a complete list of member countries on the official website. By requesting registration of a trademark under the Madrid Protocol, in the future, you will be able to expand the list of countries under a special procedure.
To start a mechanism for international registration of trademarks, you just need to provide Corplex lawyers with information about your trademark and a list of countries in which you want to have legal protection for your mark. This data is sent to the Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property – the body that directly conducts all negotiations with the International Bureau of WIPO.
An important condition is that your trademark must already be registered in Ukraine, or be on the queue, only in this case it is possible to speak about registration at the international level.
- We provide free consultations, both verbally and in writing.
- Our staff consists of experienced patent attorneys and intellectual property experts.
- Registration of trademarks by the International Bureau for a period of 20 years.
- The ability to register trademarks in several countries at once.